
10,000 dick-shaped punks,Growing on-chain withevery trade



  • WTF is a GrowerPunk?

    On-chain dick-punks. Hello?

  • Are GrowerPunks free?

    Yes. We know poors can’t afford anything more than free, so take your charity punk and fuck off. True Growers can buy more for a small fee.

  • Wen mint?

    Cumming on Ethereum. November 2022.

  • What about utility?

    It’s a dick-shaped punk that grows with every trade. That is the utility.

  • Is there a roadmap?

    No, but size matters, and #GROWING to the moon is our primary goal.

  • How do I get on the list?

    If you haven’t had an opportunity yet, you will soon. Follow @GrowerPunks on Twitter or risk missing out.

  • What if I’m not on the list?

    There will be a public mint too. Probably.